Margaret Burns Must Go

My husband, Zach Sowers, was brutally murdered by four street thugs in June 2007. Since that time, I have become an activist for victims\' rights. In an interview with a legal publication titled Exhibit A Magzine, Margaret Burns, spokeswoman for Baltimore City\'s State\'s Attorney\'s Office, grossly misrepresented the evidence and medical condition related to Zach\'s case. Marty Burns told the reporter that Zach\'s case was not what it appeared to be. She cast great doubt on whether Zach died from a street beating. She described multiple details that have no basis in fact. She cast doubt on my credibility in representing those facts. In making erroneous statements in a public article, Margaret Burns made this issue a public matter. I have asked that she publicly apologize and retract her statements. Instead, she issued a fake apology that placed blame on the reporter and has refused to comment on this matter. As a result, she has hurt my integrity and my ability to lobby for Zach\'s Law and to help others who might one day face a similar situation to my own. We must hold our officials accountable for their actions and their words. So many crimes like this happen in our city every day. Zach\'s murder has become a catalyst and we all must support each other because we are tired of having our city run by criminals. We want our neighborhoods back. We want our elected officials to protect us to the best of their ability and to prosecute violent criminals to the full extent of the law. Despite repeated demonstrations and many media inquiries seeking clarification, neither Burns nor her boss, Patricia Jessamy, have owned up to their wrongdoing. They must be held accountable. Burns\' speaks for the Baltimore City State\'s Attorney\'s Office and she should be dismissed immediately for her libelous comments. Patricia Jessamy must fire Margaret T. Burns.